Custom Xetka Spirit - $40

Xekta spirits are spirits of animals whose death went unnoticed. Most often they've died in a neutral way or natural way, but alas, sometimes they die in a negative or violent way.All Xekta Spirits are GENDERLESSBecause of this, there are three alliances of the Xekta spirit:
This creature died of natural causes and lived a positive and happy life, but their death was not noticed. These are friendly and will do their best to guide people and animals away from harm.
This creature died either of natural causes but didn't have the best of lives, or it was killed indirectly due to human interference. These are not mean, but they're not friendly either, they generally keep to themselves and will only help or hinder someone/something if they feel it completely necessary.
This creature was killed violently; in a fire, through some trap left carelessly by a hunter, something like that. These are mean and vicious, and delight in leading animals and people off of cliffs and other such cruel practices.
Xekta spirits cannot usually be seen by humans/animals, however, if they are near death, or in imminent danger, they will.Xekta spirits do not wear masks, they have no face, and what you are seeing is actually the skull, or what would be, if they were alive, the skull has two nostrils, located at the top of the head, between the horns. The 'mask' area is almost always white, and has some sort of design on it. This design NEVER depicts eyes or a mouth.They carry three eyes with them. Two from their life, and one to help them see into the souls of others. They themselves, do not have souls.They wear a string of teeth (generally the upper jaw of something split into two) on their horns. They do not speak. They have no mouths, they are completely silent creatures. The teeth are purely there because their voices, or screams were unheard before and upon death.Their nostrils and the three gill-like slits on their sides give off an odd mist. This mist shows their alliance.
Alliance - Mist Color
Sage - Soft, light colors, generally a light to medium-light green, blue, or pink
Neutral - Neutral colors, yellows, grays, and pale or grayed colors.
Demon - Dark colors, generally a deep red, black or very dark grey, dark purple, and most other dark colors.
They have a two-toed hoof on their front feet, but their hind feet have small, soft, hoof-like pads. They are not paw-pads.